Embracing Slowness: Wonder Walk

Embracing Slowness: Wonder Walk was a workshop hosted by Reversed Dances, composed of Franziska Gerth and Fil Pasquali
that happened on 5th of May during the Ko-Markt at Haus der Statistik

In the frenetic pace of the capitalist world, have you ever felt the weight of constant acceleration? As the complexities of our global reality compound, a pervasive sense of urgency threatens to drown out our connection to self and community. The immersive workshop Wonder Walk challenged the culture of speed. In the realm of art and social engagement, slowness becomes a subversive act. Through tailored exercises, the workshop tackled the layers of our embodied experience, shedding old patterns to reveal new avenues of perception and expression.

They started from basic exercises to tune into the multiple layers of our bodies and continued with simple scores to undo our walking habits. Their practice trains the perceptions to enhance the sense of togetherness and renew and question the enchantment to be in the world. Slowly. They finished the session by recycling the sensations through embodiment and creative writing.

Reversed Dances is a collaboration of the two artists Franziska Gerth and Fil Pasquali born from a shared orientation through dance and philosophy, moved by an anthropological necessity to research, sense and resist the crisis and oppressions of our times.

Co-Making MattersHaus der Statistik - Otto-Braun-Straße 70-72, 10178 Berlin (Otto Wald)comakingmatters@gmail.com